Remotely actuable automatic pig launching systems
The pipeline pigs are effective in cleaning and maintaining pipelines. It is a special device to support the continued development of offshore facilities in the oil and gas industry.
Eco Power Company provides a range of Pig Launching solutions for both Topside and Subsea applications to enable sequential pig launching operations to be performed remotely, without the need to depressurize the launcher.
Where there is a need to carry out pipeline pigging operations on a frequent basis to maintain product flow, the Automatic Pig Launcher provides a reliable and cost effective solution.
A Local Control Panel for topside launchers provides the necessary control logic and status monitoring required to operate the system. Signals from the LCP are relayed to the control room. The LCP allows valve and PSB operations to be performed in local mode (for maintenance) and remotely (for normal pigging operations).
A mechanical key interlock system can be integrated into this system to provide fail safe operation of the valves when pig reloading is required.